Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Man shoots neighbor over dog. . . poop

A poor man was being hassled by his neighbors. All he did was let his dogs roam free and they dropped piles in several neighbors lawns. The neighbors (who I assume are racist) went to him to complain. He handled it by shooting the neighbor dead. Now he's the bad guy? Someone call Al Sharpton.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Another set up

Three young innocent victims ordered General Tso's chicken and were shocked to find almost $500 worth of jewelry in their meal. While being extremely disappointed that their meal was ruined their initial thought was they had been blessed by a leprechaun (could be a crackhead that got ahold the wrong stuff). But it appears they were set up. Shortly after their purchase they are pulled over and charged with theft. Call Jesse Jackson to help.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Red Lobster Black Face

Someone please contact the ACLU as an atrocity occurred at Red Lobster. Four black women were treated with poor service and realizing it was due to their skin color decided to put a good ole Tennessee whooping on the waitress. Now the media portrays them as the bad people. Please ACLU stand up for these innocent victims.

Detriot Cheap Living

For $500 you can purchase a nice home in Detroit. Don't try to find it on a GPS with a Microsoft locator app as it avoids this area of town. And you can collect bullet casings and sell them for scrap metal.

Please call Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson

The gang members here are the victims of a society that starts them off at a disadvantage. Please Jesse and Al, organize a protest to free these four who are wrongly accused. Who knows. They may already have.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Can you hear me know?

A thug decided to steal from the wrong man and paid with his life. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will be livid over this. I'm sure the man who ended the life of this fine upstanding citizen is white.