Saturday, April 5, 2008

Webcomic drama

Webcomic drama is so funny. It's like watching the two most unpopular kids in school talk trash to each other. You know they aren't going to do anything so you sit back and laugh. These are adults doing this. I know they draw (a skill most 1st graders have) but think about it. Two 30 year old's trading barbs back and forth. Even the biggest webcomics don't have the traffic that "Chuck Norris facts" sites or porn has. Puts things in perspective. You have your fan base and that's cool but go into a bar or go to a sporting event and tell the guy sitting next to you you draw comics and see what they do. Walk into a corporate board meeting and announce I like to draw and see how many eyes roll. Not degrading it but putting it in perspective. 99% of the population equates comics and cartoons to child's play. So don't perpetuate this myth by acting like an imbecile.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fan Base

There are some great creators out there that love their fans. Then there are others who constantly lash out. Start unnecessary drama. Maybe short term it'll get you some traffic but you run the risk of you overshadowing your work. Be nice even when you are faced with adversity. In the end it'll pay off.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Reserved for future Jason to travel back in time to post.